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Laser Game Marker Pro
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Laser Game Marker Pro
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The Laser Game Marker " Pro Series" comes with the 5mw green laser head with a marking distance of 400 Yards plus,"If you can shoot it, the Laser Game Marker Pro Series can mark it!" Laser Game Marker "Pro Series comes in regular or pink camo.

How the Laser Game Marker works:

Mounting Instructions:
Step 1: Unscrew threaded cap from T-handle and remove reversible spike.
Step 2 : Reverse spike from the in position to the out position.
Step 3: Screw threaded cap back to T-handle.
Step 4: Attach Laser Game Marker by screwing the T-handle clockwise into the tree until the cap makes contact with tree bark.

Marking Instructions:
Step 1: Once the shot has been made, turn laser on and direct the laser beam with your hand to the expired animal or the spot where the animal was standing when the shot was made.
Step 2: Turn laser off until you are ready to begin the retrieval process. The laser will remain pointing at the spot of the shot.
Step 3: Once you are ready to begin the retrieval process, turn laser on and follow the beam to the exact spot you marked after you had made the shot.
Step 4: Harvest your kill or begin following the blood sign to your kill.

Advice to hunter:
If you are unsure that you made a good kill shot, mark the spot of the shot with the laser and pull out of the woods and give the animal enough time to expire. Do not push the animal into running any further than it would have if you let the event take its course. The animal or spot of the shot will remain marked with the Laser Game Marker so you don't have to remember a waypoint. Even in complete darkness the Laser Game Marker will take you exactly where you need to be to retrieve your kill.

Who can benefit from the Laser Game Marker:
1- Youth hunters who are sitting the stand alone for the first time. The laser Game Marker will point the parent or guardian to the exact spot of the expired animal or the location where he or she needs to begin tracking the animal.
2- Senior or handicapped hunters who want to continue doing what they love (Hunt), but are unable to retrieve their own kill. Don't let their fear of not being able to show you where the spot of the shot was keep them from enjoying their passion. The Laser Game Marker will take you to the exact spot of the shot to retrieve their kill, allowing them to continue doing what they love.
3- Any hunter that believes that it is his or her "Responsibility" to harvest any game animal that he or she has made a successful shot on. This group of hunters should include us all.

Copyright © The Fish Grip and More Jackson, MS